How To Make Rock Bottom Into Stepping Stones

August 19, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I still remember the feeling of shooting my first wedding 5 years ago. I was a big ball of nerves but I was over the moon excited! Fast forward to a few months ago and I found myself staring at an empty calendar with no new bookings for the rest of the year. I felt defeated, lost and all of my motivation was slowly draining out of me. I thought to myself, "I don't want to do this anymore, it is time to move on." 

Does this sound familiar to any of you? If so, you are not alone. Life is going to knocked you down to your lowest points. Not just in your business, but in other aspects of your life as well. As cliche as it sounds, how you respond to the knocks of life will determine how far you will go. Easier said than done, right? So I start searching for the magic fix to get things back to where I wanted them to be. Guess what, I didn't find it. You know why..because there isn't one. If you are looking for a one dose remedy to get to where you want to be, don't waste your time, stop looking, it doesn't exist. 

I truly believe that if I didn't ask for help , that I would still be staring at that empty calendar. I needed a fresh perspective from an outside source and that ultimately lead me to digging into what went wrong and where I needed to pick up. The two most valuable pieces of information I received was

 1) Be vulnerable with yourself; If you keep passing off your feelings and aren't being 100% real with yourself, there is a good chance you are going to end up unhappy. Don't end up where I was, most people quit at that point. I was just too hard headed to let myself quit. 

 2) My greatest success laid in what I had been neglecting the most. Those little things that I said I would do or learn never happened. The things that I knew I needed to be doing never got done. Those things that I HAD to do to keep afloat weren't ever going to get done and I knew it. I had the tools, I had the knowledge but I kept thinking "I'm not great at A, B and C so I will just figure out an alternative." Guess never got done. 

I am here now with a list of goals and a plan in full force for 2018 (and my book isn't as bare as it was a few months ago!) I promise you, there is a light at the end of that dark tunnel you are in. I'm not here to boast about my success or for you to feel sorry for my mistakes. I'm here to help you. You started this crazy adventure for a reason and I want to help you turn those rock bottom moments into stepping stones.   

I have officially opened up one on one mentoring sessions to figure out how to get you on the right track again. Business coaching, finding your editing style, marketing tips, etc, I'm here for you! If you are just starting out or are a seasoned photographer, I am hear to help you set and implement your goals and watch you shine! 

For more information on if a mentoring session is right for you, click HERE and let's chat! 



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